Monday, January 13, 2025

A Good Weekend For Reading

Frosted Pansies

Well, our highly anticipated snow event resulted in a bit of snow followed by a bit of sleet leaving a frosty coating on everything in it's path.

Tiny icicles hung from the gutters.

Not enough to build a snowman with, but pretty nonetheless.

It was a good weekend for reading.
I finished this and thoroughly enjoyed it.

After remarking to Brett recently that I needed a book that I just couldn't put down, this one crossed my path. (note the words above the title).
Having never read this author, I decided to take a chance.
I didn't realize until I got home that the book was written in 1978.
Apparently it was hard for me to put down as I finished it in a day.
It definitely took some unexpected twists.

This one, set in Australia, was next up.
It is starting off on a mysterious note.
Sometimes when I finish a book I like to wait a few days to process the one I just read.  I planned to do that last night, but before I knew it I started this one.
Last year I signed up for a reading challenge on GoodReads.
I fell short of my goal by ten books.
I set the same goal for this year and now feel I am off to a good start.

"Reading One Book Is Like Eating One Potato Chip"
~Diane Duane

Thursday, January 9, 2025

At The Start Of A New Year

As the new year has unfolded, I have been taking my time putting the Christmas decorations away and restoring order to each room in the house.  It's nice to have the time to do this at a leisurely pace.
The charcuterie board above was a gift from my brother and sister-in-law.  On New Year's Eve I made a pot of vegetable soup to go along with the delicious cheeses, nuts, dried fruits and salami.
Yesterday I was texting back and forth with my brother as they live in Los Angeles very close to the wildfires.  He said they haven't been told to evacuate, but have a go bag in the car in case that becomes necessary.  It is horrifying to see the videos coming out of that area of California.  I can't even imagine how that must be for the people living through it and my heart goes out to them.

We have snow in our weekend weather forecast.
It's been years since we've seen any so I'm secretly hoping to see a pretty snowfall.
I'll keep you posted on that.
