I'm currently in the process of assembling an outfit for an upcoming wedding. I don't usually buy my clothes online. However, after striking out in several stores I decided to browse online to see what I could find. I ended up ordering three possibilities from Dillards.com. Once they arrived I had them hanging from the laundry room door and without being asked my family members offered their opinions on the various choices. This was fine by me as the choice seemed to be unanimous. Pictured above is the winner. I think the jewel toned purple shows better in person, but you get the idea.
It seems at this stage of life it's harder to find clothes I'm happy with because I'm trying to camouflage so many things. This dress seemed to cover all the bases pretty well. The only thing I found somewhat problematic is the wideness of the cut across the back. Maybe I'm too modest, but I can't stand to have my bra straps popping out.

I decided to visit the lingerie department when I returned the unwanted dresses to Dillard's. Perhaps a new bra would solve the problem. As I was heading for the fitting room with one purple number (thinking the color might blend with the dress if it were to pop out), the sales clerk inquired whether I would be interested in a bra fitting. Although I remember well the show Oprah did on this subject urging all women to get a proper fitting, I didn't think I wanted to subject myself to that.
After trying on the one I selected and thinking more about her offer, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and go for it. So I quickly sought out the bra fitter and muttered my wish before I chickened out. Much to my horror it was the day she was training a new gal so the two of them joined me in the fitting room and the fun began.
It wasn't long before I let go of my inhibitions and listened intently to the finer points of selecting a proper fitting bra.
Without going into the boring details, suffice it to say I feel like a new woman and the bra size I've been wearing for years and years wasn't even close to being correct.
I tried the dress on over the correct sized bra and marveled at the difference. No funny bumps in strange places, no straps showing and a nice smooth appearance under the somewhat clingy dress.
Best of all . . .
It was a very uplifting experience (if you know what I mean :).
Although I was a bit hesitant to subject myself to this ordeal, I'm so glad I did. In fact I wish I'd done it years ago. I came home and tossed 12 bras that have been in my drawer for years. Every time I bought one in the past I was sure it was the right one until I wore it and discovered things I didn't like about it. Now I feel very confident with the way I look and feel in my new undergarment.
I didn't purchase the Maidenform brand, but I had to laugh at the claims being made in these vintage ads. All adds courtesy of Google Images.
As you can tell I am pleased with my new purchases from the lingerie department. I'm not sure that I feel like a fireman though.
I think I'll stick to serving tea.
Any interesting bra stories you'd care to share as long as we're having a little girl talk?