Do you have any idea of what I can do to make sure we don't go back to the attic when the 5 days are up? I would just love to see how it felt to be out of there until January. Man what we elves wouldn't give for a taste of freedom. How we would relish being in the background of some Christmas photos. If you have any thoughts on the matter, please tell me . . . I'm all ears. Oh and speaking of that, we elves do have pretty big and okay, pointy, ears. However, I don't think that is why "she" is embarrassed by us. After all she has that pointy eared dog and she doesn't have to be relegated to the attic.
Now, where was I . . . Oh, yes back to Christmas decorating Elvin-style. The pictures above are part of a little tree I put up while "she" was gone. Not bad, eh?
Here I stuck a few of the guys up there with Mr. & Mrs. Claus. That was quite a feat for a little guy like me because the Clauses are on top of a china cabinet. It took a lot out of me to climb way up there to do my decorating and I probably wouldn't have gone through the effort if this cause wasn't so very important to me. When I was up there an idea struck me. Why not tell dear old Santa about my plight. I think he would be on my side. Well, I was just about to bend his ear when I heard the sounds of the garage door creaking open. Oh no - "she's" home!! I ran through that house as fast as I could grabbing all of my elf friends as I went. We all jumped in the dreaded box, slammed the lid and here we sit on the foyer floor. Quick, before she comes in the door I am making one final plea to the dear ladies in blog land . . . if you love an elf or even if you don't love an elf but just have a tender heart . . . won't you please do what you can to help "her" come to "her" senses?? Maybe a subtle good word in the comments box about how her house looks nice, but a few elves would put it over the top????
If you can find it in your heart to come to the rescue of we dear, old, captive elves I will put in a good word for you when I finally do talk to Santa.
With Love & Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas,