Something told me at the time that I shouldn't end my last post promising to drag all my Easter boxes out of the attic and have my home all decorated the next time we met. Superstitions?? Foresight?? I'm not quite sure, but I wish I would have listened to my inner voice.
My husband has been out of town for over a week and you may remember what happens
Well, I decided on Sunday that it was the perfect day to start hauling the boxes out. I brought out a few things and had grand illusions of a bunny garden tea party in front of the fireplace. I was ready to get creative and went into the attic to grab the first box. It was a bit heavy and when I picked it up and went to turn I heard a "crick" and felt excruciating pain in my lower back. I dropped the box and eventually had to crawl back downstairs as I couldn't straighten up. I have never had my back "go out" and mean to tell you it is not a good feeling to be home alone in the attic and have it happen for the first time.

I was hugely disappointed to have my grand plans dashed, but at the same time it scared me enough to know that taking care of myself was more important than the "Bunny Tea Party". I think sometimes it takes a big "wake up call" to remind us to put things into perspective. For if I look back on last week I guess it isn't surprising that this happened. My mom had a rough week and was taken to the ER 3 times after falling and hitting her head. We left the ER Friday night at midnight and at 1:45 I was called again telling me that she had fallen and hit her head in the bathroom so it was off to the ER once again. Fortunately she didn't seem to have any adverse effects from these falls, but it is so sad to see this happen. It is such a challenge to convince an Alzheimer's patient not to try to walk without assistance when their brains will not allow them to remember anything.

I know that in order to be of the greatest help to my mom in her time of need it's important to make sure I keep myself in shape. I spent the day yesterday alternating between the heating pad and laying on the floor. Today my back is feeling quite a bit better, but I can tell if I'm not careful I'll be back to square one. My husband was supposed to be home today, but now has to remain where he is until April 8
th. I don't think I want to risk hauling out those boxes and by the time he gets home it will be a bit late. Oh well, the tea party can wait. I know in the grand scheme of things I will never regret the time I have had with my mom.

I still may sneak a few Easter decorations in here and there. This guy is doing the "Happy Dance" for the arrival of Spring. I hope to be joining him soon, but at this point I don't think I'll try that move.

Now this may seem really silly, but I was so happy to be able to return to work today that I made a stop at the thrift shop on my way home. I happened to see this precious baby girl outfit. Do I have any baby girls in my life now? NO. However, being the blue and white lover that I am I fell in love with the fabric and then when I saw the bunny buttons I had to have it. I guess it's the decorating deprivation getting to me. :-)
~Take the time to take care of yourselves ~