The baking is done. It was nice to get up early this morning before anybody else was up. After a rainy day yesterday, I was greeted with blue skies and the sun shining into the kitchen. No chance of a white Christmas for us, but I will gladly accept the bright, cheerful day that lies ahead. I worked hard all day yesterday baking and scrubbing floors, but what a great feeling to wake up to a counter full of baked goods ready for gifting and sampling ;). This year I added a new one called Pecan Tassies. See them there in the round container. They are like a petite pecan pie with a bit of cream cheese in the crust. My mom used to make them every year, but I think this is the first time I've made them. Won't be the last though as they are quite delightful and as I was baking them I felt my mom's presence in the kitchen, which was nice.

Speaking of feeling my mom's presence, I'd like to share a little thought with you, particularly if you are feeling the loss of a loved one this holiday season.
Shortly after my mom passed away 2 years ago, I was given this frame with a sentiment I found to be comforting. It reads:
** Perhaps they are not stars in the sky but rather openings in Heaven where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy **
Isn't that lovely? It can be so hard to keep on smiling and doing what's expected of us when we are dealing with an empty chair at our table. My dad passed away ten years ago on December 15th and I remember just going through the motions that year.
I certainly don't claim to be an expert, but if you are facing a recent loss, I hope you will be kind to yourself this holiday season and know that it's okay to cry if you need to or maybe step outside for a breath of fresh air and a short walk and, of course, look up and count the stars while you are out there.
Since the sun returned and I was enjoying a few peaceful moments this morning, I snapped a few pictures around the house. This little candle holder was a GW find. It has little holes in it which I think are to put little flowers or bits of greenery into. This afternoon I am planning to head into the garden with clippers in hand to snip some holly and other greens to bring in and add to vases and arrangements.
Like many of you, I have a fondness for the vintage Christmas decorations. This little angel is from Germany and used to belong to my aunt. She has been gone for many years, but she will never be forgotten as warm memories return every time I glance at the angel.
Old Christmas cards = charming graphics = vintage Love.
A well worn child's chair sits next to the fireplace in the living room reminding me to stop and enjoy the many Christmas books I have collected through the years. A cup of tea and a bit of reading is a refreshing way to face the next job on the never ending list.
It won't be long now until friends and loved ones will be seated around the table. There are still things to do so, I'd better get doing.
But, before I go, I want to extend warm wishes for a very Merry Christmas from my Happy Home to yours.