Friday, January 22, 2021

Books and Flowers

While the winter garden lies (mostly) dormant outside, I'm glad we can still exercise our green thumbs a bit with winter blooming bulbs.

There is one thing that is still thriving in my outdoor garden.
Pretty Pansies
While watering them last week, I couldn't bear the thought of watching their pretty little faces shriveling up so I snipped some of the prettiest ones off and laid them out on a sheet of paper.

After bringing them in the house I laid another sheet of paper on top of them and gathered up some of my heaviest vintage books to set on top.
Voila... my homemade flower press.

Those old books come in handy for more than just reading.

Speaking of old books . . .
Have you ever purchased anything on Facebook Marketplace?
I never had until the recent day when I found myself a bit bored and began scrolling through the offerings.  It seems I'm always reading about people who find great items there so I thought I'd see what it was all about.
Before long I stumbled across this beautiful nature library.
Published in 1926 with the titles of
Animals, Butterflies, Birds, Wildflowers, Trees & Garden Flowers and look at the beautiful spines!
I was instantly intrigued so I contacted the buyer to ask a few questions.
In the course of our back and forth conversation I learned
that she ran an antique shop in her small town and had bought the books from a fellow antique dealer.  She had owned them for ten years.  Now that she was downsizing her home she had to let go of some of her things.  She also shared that as a master gardener she loved these books.
When I was downsizing my own home two years ago, most of my book collection had to go.
So, naturally, when I showed them to my husband his first question was...
Any guesses???
If you guessed "where are you going to put them?"  you win the prize :).
Actually he says that often.  In this instance, though, he had a point.

The thing is after also seeing a few glimpses of what was to be found inside the covers of these books, I was a goner.

Though I no longer have bookcases, I put that old saying where there's a will, there's a way into practice.

My little living room is one of my favorite spots to read and dream.
A little vintage vignette in that very room is just the ideal spot for them.

Books and flowers.
Two things that are adding pleasure to this endless string of at home days.
What's adding pleasure to your days?



Wednesday, January 13, 2021

New Year ~ New Computer

Well, hello there and a belated Happy New Year!!

I'm composing this post on my new computer which is proving to be a hair raising experience!!
After years of having Windows PCs, we have gone with a Mac this time.  I guess it will take some time to get used to, but time is something I currently have plenty of so let the learning begin.

I was hoping to do a post last week when snow was in the forecast.  That is always cause for excitement around here.
Most of the day it rained and then an hour or so before sunset the flakes began to fall.

Good thing I documented with a few photos because by morning it was all gone.

Not much has been happening around here as we are staying home as much as possible.  One evening around dusk I looked out the window and saw a group of five deer in the backyard.  We see them come out of the woods from time to time.  This was the first time I've seen a buck, however.  Unfortunately the bird feeder was blocking the view.  Oh well, just documenting again.

The doe was a bit more photogenic.

I think this will conclude my first post on the Mac.
I hope you are all doing well.