Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Flowers and Other Signs of Spring

Look close and you will see the Carolina Wren that popped out of my pansy pot a couple of weeks ago.  March 1st to be exact.

Fast forward to March 19th and the pansy pot is a profusion of pretty colors.

This morning I saw Mrs. Wren paying another visit.
With a tiny twig clutched in her beak, she was clearly beginning the construction of a home for her babies.  I intend to pay closer attention in hopes of discovering where this nest building is taking place.  I know wrens tend to set up housekeeping in all sorts of interesting places.  I'm hoping the nest isn't going to appear in my pansies as it would be a challenge to keep them watered.
Time will tell.

Not far from the pansies, my grape hyacinth are just coming into bloom.

The daffodils have been in bloom for a week or more.
I clipped a bouquet for a bit of bright and sunny cheer at the front entrance.

Grocery store tulips are adding beauty to the dining table.

Tomorrow Spring will officially arrive.
I'm ready.
Are you?

Let me be the first to wish you a Very HAPPY Spring.