As we begin a new week I have a few things I'd like to share with you, dear blog friends . . .
First and foremost, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your supportive and sweet comments. I get such warm fuzzy feelings when I read them and really appreciate you taking the time to leave them.
Secondly, I want to share a funny (?) little thing that happened last week. You may remember my recent post about the Eva Cassidy CD I had ordered from Amazon. I could hardly wait for it's arrival. Well, I returned home late one night last week. It was pitch dark as I pulled into the garage. As I was driving in I thought it sounded like something was dragging under the car. But, I didn't feel like I had run over anything. When I got out of the car and looked there was a flattened Amazon box. The UPS driver apparently left it on the ground in the garage door opening. Duhhh!! Brilliant. He always leaves packages on the front porch. Of course when I opened the dilapidated box there was my Eva Cassidy CD. The case was shattered and the CD was all scratched. Boo Hoo - I almost cried. So I am back to listening to Songbird on Heidi's blog. Thank You, Heidi. My dear son has volunteered to take care of this problem.
Lastly, I will be taking a short blog break. If you have been following my blog you know that I am moving my Mom into assisted living this weekend. My brother is flying in on Thursday from California. On Friday he, my husband & I will cross the state line into Tennessee to load up the truck and then on Saturday we will bring Mom and her belongings to North Carolina to begin her new life. These next few days will find me working, finishing up loose ends and spending time making Mom's new home feel like home. I want her to be happy @ home too :-)
Before I go I snuck in a few more little fall vignettes.
Once I know that Mom is settled in I can't wait to get back to blogging. That is when my fall decorating will kick into high gear ~ hopefully it will be a bit cooler then too.
This is what I put on one end of my kitchen island. When you enter the kitchen from any other room or the garage this is the first thing you see. I think it will be a nice fall welcome in the daytime or at night ~ when the candle is lit.
I bought this bowl at a really cute shop in Blowing Rock, NC. If you have never been there I think you would love it. If you have ever read any of Jan Karon's Mitford series books you might be interested to know that she used to live in Blowing Rock and the fictitious town of Mitford is based on the real town of Blowing Rock. Anyhow, the fun thing about this bowl is that I change out the ribbon for the seasons and then add things to coordinate. Like yellow ribbon and Easter eggs for Easter, Christmas ribbon and pine cones at Christmas. The possibilities are almost endless. So much fun to play with.I will be back as soon as possible. Until then. . . take good care of yourselves and enjoy the beauty of this season.