Our neighborhood garden club had the first meeting of the year this week. A master gardener and the local extension agent gave a very thorough presentation on gardening in our area of North Carolina along with timely tasks like the above.
It looks like it would be appealing to anyone interested in gardening.
Particularly at this time of year when we are doing more dreaming and planning than actual gardening.
Volunteers (like me) take turns tending to it throughout the season.
This is how it was looking last September when I was on duty.
My number was called and I chose this Christmas cactus.
It was a generous sized clipping with a few buds on it. I am thinking they are going to be white. The clipping was wrapped in paper with a bit of soil attached. On the way home from the meeting I stopped at the garden center for potting soil and a new pot to put it in.
Came home, potted it and gave it a drink of water to settle the soil.
I noticed it didn't have any roots and decided to check online for instructions for potting a clipping like this. It seems the preferred method is to put it right into soil and not water it for a week or until the roots develop. Hmmm... hope I didn't cause a problem by adding water when I did. Luckily it wasn't a lot of water. I guess you can tell when the roots are forming by giving the plant a little tug. If it seems firmly planted, there should be roots growing.
Time will tell how successful this little project will be.
So far it's looking just fine.
Have you ever propagated a holiday cactus? If so, what was your experience like. Enquiring minds would like to know :D.