Thursday, June 27, 2024

Summertime ~ Hydrangea Time

Since I last posted it has officially become summer.
I hope yours is off to a good start.
Here the hydrangeas are coming into bloom which is always a highly anticipated event.

I especially like how it only takes a few blossoms to make a good sized bouquet.

This one has been on the table for over two weeks.

While the hydrangeas are thriving, the roses are struggling.
The Japanese Beetles have moved in and set up a smorgasbord.
(you might see one of the little buggers on the bottom left rose).
I have been going out there morning and evening to shake them off into a bucket of soapy water.  I am seeing more blossoms now, but the foliage looks bad.  From past experience, they eventually move on or expire and the plants rebound.  Looking forward to that day.

In other news:

My eye doctor appointment last week revealed changes that resulted in an urgent visit to a retinal specialist.  It seems I now have macular degeneration.  I received an eye injection and will be receiving them monthly.  The day after the injection the doctor advised no tv, computer or reading time.  I was a bit surprised by how often I felt the urge to pick up my phone and check all those things I check each day.  I tried to think of what I did all day before the internet and social media took over.  I often miss those days.  Back then I was raising kids and busy with all that was required for that.
It was kind of a fun challenge to find other things to keep me busy.
Drawers are being decluttered, ovens cleaned, carpets vacuumed and new recipes being tried.
So, now that I can return to my normal daily life, I think it best to greatly reduce my time spent on the computer.  Did you know that when we are on computers and devices we don't blink as often as we should?  That isn't a good thing for dry eye (which is another thing I'm dealing with).  The eye doctor told me that they are seeing a much higher amount of children with dry eye.  He said that was rare in children before electronic devices became such a part of daily life.
Anyhow, the reason I am sharing this with you is that if you don't see new posts here or comments from me on your blogs, you will know why.  I'm not ready to totally give up on blogging, just prioritizing things.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer!


  1. So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I hope the treatment you receive will help.
    Your hydrangeas are gorgeous. I've never managed to grow blue hydrangeas - wrong soil, obviously.

  2. Hydrangeas are so pretty! I love your variety of colors.
    I'm sorry about the macular degeneration. My Dad had that and got the injections too.
    I'd be wanting to check the computer or phone too!

  3. Wow those hydrangeas are huge and so pretty.
    So sorry to hear about the macular degeneration. You will be on my daily prayer list.

  4. Sorry to hear you have macular degeneration. A dear friend has that but chose not to have the shots. She turns 80 in August and still manages to embroider and everything ( but has a strong lamp).

    I love your bouquet with all three colours of Hydrangeas. My white Annabelle is about ready to fully open but not the blue ones.
    Have a great Summer.

  5. Your hydrangeas are beautiful. Mine are just now beginning to bloom (northeast IL). However, my lacecap hydrangea is in full bloom and it's gorgeous.
    I am so sorry to hear you have macular degeneration. Sounds awful - especially a shot in the eye! I used to have dry eyes and now taking a special supplement for eye health: NOW Ocu Support. It has vitamins A, C, E, Riboflavin and Zinc. I no longer have dry eyes. Just a heads up in case you want to try it. Of course, pass it by your eye dr first.

  6. I'm so sorry to read of your macular degeneration, Kim. I wonder what the long term effects of all the time spent on devices will be. It's all so new, yet.
    Hydrangeas are some of my favourite flowers. Your white blossom is gorgeous!

  7. Your hydrangeas are lovely.
    Hope all goes well with your eye treatment.

    All the best Jan

  8. Just popping in to say hi and hope all is going well with your treatment. I pray for you each day!!

  9. Hi Kim! It's so good that you caught the MD early! My mom is 94 and getting eye shots. I pray your shots work just as well as hers have. You're young! Yes, we should quit checking our phones. I took stuff off mine and I reach for it less, but I still feel chained to it. Your hydrangeas are so gorgeous! I hope your weather and my weather cool soon. Take care, friend. xo


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