As much as I'd like to be sharing photos of my garden, it's not a pretty sight right now. The heat and humidity are taking a toll on everything. If you live in an area where the heatwave has settled in, then you know that it's getting to be a bit old. So rather than prattle on about things we're powerless to change, let's stay in where it's cool and enjoy other people's gardens.
Let's go on a Garden Walk.
This one takes place in Salisbury, NC.
I actually attended it last month, but I'm happy to re-visit some of the highlights and hope that you too might enjoy it.
The photos above plus the next few are all from one man's garden. He has over 600 roses. I will keep my dialogue to a minimum so that you can stroll along and enjoy the beauty.
Aren't they beautiful?
One of the things I really enjoy about garden walks is the inspiration I receive. The following pictures show some of the ideas that intrigued me:
I love, love, love this combination of plants.
A simple, but pretty combination of colors.
I love potting sheds and found this one to be charming. Not only was it cute, but the landscaping around it was lovely and ....
check out the wreath.
As long as we're on the subject of cute potting sheds ...
Look at what was tucked behind this house.
They say that "beauty is in the details" and I love the details on this doorknocker and doorknob.
It will come as no surprise that I like this bit of whimsy :-D
"If friends were flowers, I'd pick you"
I sure did enjoy reading your comments on my last post.
I smiled at the thought of us sitting together in my guest room munching on Mississippi Mud Cake, fresh fruit and endless glasses of iced tea. Yummy!! You could all bring your vintage books and we could share the precious artwork. Aaah... sounds like a perfect day to me.
Keep cool and thanks for being you.
Love Ya.
~ Kim