It's been a flurry of Christmas decorating over here, but if you've come a callin' you would never know that by the lingering Thanksgiving look on ye olde blog. Turns out it's the last thing to be decorated .
Up above is the apple pie that I made for Thanksgiving day. I'd hoped to do a post about the way I cut out the crust using a giant pie-sized cookie cutter that I found last year at TJMaxx. That isn't likely to happen now as the pie is long gone.
Oh well, we all know this is the season for time moving along at an accelerated pace.
One last photo of my sister-in-law's pretty Thanksgiving table and it will be time to switch gears and welcome the beauty of the Christmas season. I've got lots of things that I want to share, but so far they exist only in my head. I'll be spending some time with the camera today because . . .
♫ we need a little Christmas
right this very minute ♫
la de da de da de da de da da da da da
Oh we need a little Christmas
right this very minute,
we need a little Christmas
NOW ♫♫♫
~ Kim