Sometimes when our best laid plans for spending time working in the garden are dashed due to Mother Nature's plans for rain, rain & more rain, it's time for Plan B.
Such was the case here this weekend.
We did get to the garden center to pick up a few plants on Saturday morning and even got them planted before the raindrops started to fall.
I do love it when it rains right after I get something planted. It seems like such a good way to start the plant off in it's new home.
As long as we had to halt our outdoor activities, we decided to visit Redbox and rent a movie. We decided on this one:
Hubby thought it was funny.
I had high hopes, but thought it fell short of my expectations. (a little lame). Although I may have nodded off a few times so I might not be the best judge :).
When it was time to return the movie, the rain was still coming down so we thought maybe another movie was in order.
One family's story of surviving the tsunami in Thailand.
We both thought it was sad, terrifying yet very well done. I think I was sitting on the edge of my seat for the first half hour. No chance of nodding off during this one.
The acting was superb.

On Sunday it was a downpour ... all day long.
Both of the boys were coming home for dinner.
I assembled a french oven beef stew which bubbled away in the oven all afternoon while we all watched a third movie.
This one was about a covert operation planned by the CIA and Hollywood during the Iran hostage crisis. It was very interesting with many tense moments. No nodding off during this one either. :D.
In between movie watching I finished this book:
My neighbor had loaned it to me awhile ago.
I wasn't sure I was going to like it at first, but it turned out to be an enjoyable read.
It's told from the point of view of a five year old boy named Jack.
Room is the eleven by eleven room where he was born and has lived with his mother. It's the only world he has ever known.
To his mother room is the prison where she has been held captive for seven years.
That's all I'm going to say about that one. Don't want to spoil it for anybody who might be planning to read it.
Once dinner was eaten, the rain was still falling so we raided the game cupboard
Personally I would have chosen The Garden Game, but I was out- voted by Clue and Battleship. I guess that's what happens in a house where females are in the minority.
All in all, the weekend was a good one.
It might not have turned out as planned, but there's nothing like a rainy weekend to make it seem perfectly acceptable to stay in and be a bit lazy.
With regards to my previous post, I guess I took for granted that everybody was familiar with pine needle deliveries. I really shouldn't have because when I lived in Michigan I had never heard of such a thing either. Sorry for that oversight.
By way of explanation, in these parts we mulch around our houses and yards with pine needles. They are delivered in bundles. Because termites can be a problem here it is recommended to use pine needles around the house instead of wood mulch as the wood mulch can attract termites. It is a common sight to see trucks hauling trailers filled with pine needle bundles around here. Once in a while someone rings the doorbell to ask if we are in need of any.
I kind of wish that person would ring my doorbell right about now since the delivery that was supposed to come last week never did. The message left on the voice mail was never answered either.
So glad I sat home all day waiting :/.
Happy last day of April to you.
If it's true what they say about April showers, then May ought to be filled to the brim with flowers this year.