Friday, April 17, 2020

From the Herb Garden ~ Chive Blossom Vinegar

 In all the years I've been growing chives, I've never once made vinegar with the blossoms.  I have seen the pretty pink-hued final product in some of my herbal books and thought maybe someday I'd try it.  Well, I guess that day has finally come.

At the start of our stay home orders, it occurred to me that if I used my time wisely a lot could be accomplished by the time this was over.  I considered making a list of projects to keep us busy and then decided that wasn't really necessary.  Since we both work from home, we are normally home a lot and tend to stay on top of most things around here during the week.
For us it is more a matter of finding some variety to add to our days to keep from going stir crazy.  Part of that for me has been trying some of the simple things that I never seem to get to.
In this instance, snipping those blossoms off my chives before it's too late and they have dropped their seeds all over the garden.

After a very thorough washing, into the jar they went.
The vinegar was added and now they will rest in the dark pantry for a few weeks.  Every couple of days I will give them a little shake.
It sure is a pretty looking concoction so far. 

Outside the kitchen door the lettuce I planted in pots is growing well.  I see a salad dressed with chive vinaigrette in my future.


How are you all doing?
Are you finding ways to add variety to your days?
Anything planned for the weekend?
I'm craving chocolate and the supplies in that department are a bit sparse around here.  With a birthday coming up on Sunday I'll be rooting around in the pantry to see if I can at least whip up a batch of brownies.  

That old saying about variety being the spice of life is so true, isn't it?

Take Good Care!!


  1. Just today, I was wishing I had a brownie mix!
    Chive vinegar sounds wonderful!

  2. Yup. So true. Variety is the spice of life. Not much variety here. I still have my chive vinegar from years ago. I like it.

  3. I made chive vinegar one year!! The colour was so delicate and pretty.
    I sowed lettuce a month ago ( inside) but nothing has come up. Disappointing. I'm looking forward to fresh leaf lettuce. All the leafy stuff in the supermarket is old and not tasty at all. I will try new lettuce seed. Maybe that was an old packet I used. Stay well.

    1. That is disappointing! I hope you have better luck with the new seed.

  4. I meant to ask if it is your birthday that's coming up on Sunday or your husbands. Either way, a very Happy birthday to the right one.

  5. Chive vinegar sounds good and your lettuce is looking fantastic.
    Happy Birthday.
    I'm a home body anyway so it really hasn't bothered me that much having to stay home. My morning walk sure helps though! Sure glad I don't have to give that up!!!!

    1. Thank you, Karen. I'm glad you can keep walking too. You are always such an inspiration.

  6. My chives are growing well and will soon flower. What a great idea to make chive blossom vinegar. Birthday joy to you!

  7. I've made chive vinegar the past few years from our chives, too! We won't have blooms on our for a few weeks still. When you said chocolate is sparse around there, do you mean at your house or in the grocery stores? There's plenty of both here - in stores and in my home. ;-) I think you definitely deserve brownies on your birthday. Happy baking and happy birthday!

    1. I should have clarified that better. I think the grocery stores have plenty. It's my pantry that is getting low.

  8. How pretty is that chive vinegar? I can't wait to see how it turns out. And, honey, let me tell you about cravings. I want what I can't get my hands on. Last night I wanted something sweet but couldn't find anything. So, I opened up a box of Honey Nut Cherios and sat munching away while I watched tv. Pitiful, I say.

    1. Perhaps it is a universal thing right now. Since you are being honest I will confess to doing the very same thing with a box of Life cereal this week. Ha Ha!!

  9. Chive blossom vinegar is a new one to me - I think I'll try it when our chives have grown some flowers.
    Happy birthday, too, from one Aries to another.

  10. I have not attempted chive vinegar. You have encouraged me to try this. My lettuce is just now poking its head above the ground. I live in the Pacific NW, so we are a bit behind you. I do have chives, but only budding just now. We are so thankful to be healthy and safe so far. We pray Covid-19 will be over soon. We are extra blessed to have our daughter, happily stuck here for awhile. We are baking and we are watching Anne of Green Gables the original. Happy Birthday!

  11. This does look like an interesting project! I'm always learning something new. And yes, since we are both retired, our days are busy as always. We find plenty of things to do around the house and I like adding a few 'new' things like baking to the mix. I'm glad we've been able to hike some too so we are doing well. Love that the weather is nice too. Take care and stay safe!


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