Saturday, June 6, 2020

On Venturing Out

Here in North Carolina we are in phase 2 of the governor's "Safer at Home" Covid restrictions.  Slowly things are easing and more businesses are opening.  I am glad that our governor is taking it slow and not rushing into things.
As of May 22 outdoor gatherings of 25 people maximum are allowed.  Indoors it is 10.

I have been cautious about going out.  So, even though the restrictions relaxed somewhat, I wasn't sure how I felt about a recent invitation to get together with my neighbors for a friendly gathering.  After careful consideration, we decided to accept the invitation.  We all brought our own beverages and stayed outside the whole time.  We did each bring an appetizer/dessert type of dish to share.  It was evident that everybody planned dishes that could be picked up individually rather than things like chips and dips.
Because I haven't gone out much in the past few months. it felt a bit strange at first.  (keep a distance, don't hug, etc.).  Things that used to come so natural now had to be thought through carefully.
In the end it was a lovely evening.  The weather was delightful and it was good to socialize and get to know my neighbors a bit better.

Not long after that we were invited to a 40th birthday party for our nephew.  This was for family only.  The food was brought in from a restaurant and most of the time we were outside talking and playing yard games.  It was very odd not to hug family members as we are a family who usually hugs one another.  In the way that this whole situation has us feeling like everybody has cooties, there was a somewhat awkward moment when the birthday cake came out covered in candles for the birthday "boy" to blow out.  As the birthday song was being sung I wondered if I was the only one who had hesitations about him blowing all over the cake.  Normally this is just an accepted part of the birthday celebration.  Now suddenly I wondered if we were risking illness by eating a piece of that cake.  As nobody else seemed phased by it, I wasn't about to say anything.
I ate the cake.
The photo above was taken with masks to capture the current situation on the day of this 40th birthday celebration.
Masks weren't worn during the party, but they were discussed and compared.

Phase 2 also permitted hair salons to re-open.
On Friday I ventured back to the salon for a haircut.
Besides the mask my hairdresser was wearing, the first thing I noticed upon entering was how bright everything looked in there.  She told me that while they were shut down, everything was painted and sanitized.  A good use of time, I think.
For years it has been my routine to meet my sister-in-law after a salon appointment for lunch and a bit of shopping (usually thrift shop treasure hunting :).  Because one of the thrift shops had re-opened we decided to check it out.  It did feel good (in a cautious sort of way) to be able to do something that had been forbidden for so long.  We wore masks and practiced social distancing.  There weren't many treasures to be found, although we did manage to find a few books.  Something we were both looking for as our book stashes have dwindled in the last few months.

After shopping we would normally have lunch out.
I wasn't sure I was ready for that, but we headed to the restaurant to see about dining outdoors.  The doors were locked.  The sign said orders could be called in and then delivered to the patio.  So there we stood talking on the phone to the girl inside the restaurant.  Although we were looking right at each other, all communication was through that locked door.  Credit cards were the only method of payment and had to be read off on the phone.  No contact with cards.  While I completely understand, it seemed so sad.
We waited on the patio until the waitress came out in her mask and delivered the order.  Across the parking lot was the local W*lmart with the windows boarded up.  Although we weren't in a big city, there had been talk about upcoming protests, so I guess precautions were put in place.  Again... so very sad.
The potted plants that normally add beauty to this particular restaurant patio were brimming with weeds.  As we ate and discussed this current situation, I gazed into the pot sitting next to me.  There grew one lone petunia surrounded by tall weeds and trailing weeds.  Feeling sad and rather helpless, I started pulling weeds.  Weed after weed after weed.  A few bites of sandwich followed by deadheading that poor petunia.  Once that pot was tended to I glanced at all the others and the window boxes hanging along the fence.  The weeds were winning.  This restaurant where we have enjoyed lunches for years now so neglected was sad to see.  One more small business struggling to stay afloat.  I pray that they are able to.


  1. It's all so strange, isn't it? Recently I met up with my SIL and without thinking I hugged her. Then I felt bad but she laughed it off. Nice that you could go have your hair cut then go for lunch ( served in a strange sort of way) and even do a bit of thrifting. Here the thrift stores are overwhelmed with donations because so many have been de-cluttering during the quarantine and now bringing it over. It has to be kept for 3 days before the volunteers can unpack it ( apparently the virus can't live longer than that). Life has so suddenly become complicated.
    Sorry for running on and on. Have a lovely Sunday.

  2. Very strange times indeed. And because there's been so much misinformation, it is hard to know how to acclimate to the world again. I don't want to be scared of everyone and everything. But I also don't want to be careless. It's good you are able to socialize a bit again. We still have an evening curfew. Grocery stores open but we need to make an online appointment to go. Just this week restaurants opened for delivery only. I wonder if things will ever feel right after all this. We need to make significant changes all over the world for people and the planet. I do hope that this is the year people start to wake up. Take care, Tammy

  3. It's hard to know what is safe to do but I'm glad you were able to do some fun things for a change. I'll sure be glad to get a hair cut but I may wait a little longer. I haven't minded it so far. Like hearing how you pitched in and worked on pulling some weeds. If everyone would do that...we might have a chance! Enjoy your day!

  4. Glad you have been able to get out a little and do necessary things Kim. Like you, I too went out to get my hair cut last week, also my nails done as both salons were permitted to start up again. Those two things are important to me and I have to admit I feel 100% for being able to attend to them after 3 mths. The restrictions/rules were many, temperature monitored, hand washing, mask wearing, screens etc.

    Not gathering in any groups yet though - and as you must know we have had big problems here in the city
    so are still under nightly curfew. Life has definitely changed and as the funny but sad quote I read yesterday said - "Be glad you didn't bother to buy a 2020 Planner". Actually I did, back in Jan. but it certainly looks and remains mostly blank!

    Stay well and hopefully life will improve in many ways soon. I'm getting itchy feet and want to travel - first home to the UK to see my family and friends, then to some place fresh and beautiful but not sure where. Until then, gardening remains a positive, happy place, weeds and all!!!!

    Hugs to you Kim - Mary

  5. We haven't gone anywhere except for food shopping and Lowe's
    Just don't feel comfortable yet!

    Glad to hear that you got to go out a bit though and enjoyed your time out.

  6. I wonder if the phases mean different things in different states? Because here in Illinois, we're in phase 3 and only allowed gatherings of 10 people - indoors or out. And salons just now opened in phase 3. I got my hair cut and colored the other day and my temp was taken before I went in and I had to wash my hands before sitting down. I had to wear a mask the whole time and so did my hairdresser. Everything is sanitized before every client.

    Restaurants are now open here for outdoor/patio dining. All tables have to be at least 6 ft apart. Thank you for pulling weeds out of planters. I would've done that, too if I was just sitting there. Poor plants.

    Have a good week!

  7. Lost a own fault...not signed in. How this happens between one blog and the next... 🤷🏻‍♀️

    How wonderful that you found a way to gather with friends and neighbors. This is what we be treated like adults who can decide for ourselves how we shall live. This covid stuff is wearing on my last nerve.

    No restaurants open here, no haircuts, no tourist season this year, no joy in mudville. It's as close to hell as I ever want to get.

  8. Kim, I am so glad you are able to get out and do some fun things. We are able to do a few things. Our restaurants have opened, but only 10 can be seated, and they are spaced far apart. I live in Oregon. Our salons just opened and my husband was able to get in for a hair cut. People are being cautious and most all people are wearing masks. I still feel like I am in the twilight zone when I see all of those masks. Kathi


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