Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Office Views

Here you see my home office.  (try to contain your excitement :).
The window above my desk looks out onto a small hill that has been planted with field grasses and a few trees. Normally while working I keep the blind raised less than halfway to keep the outside light out of my eyes.  It's nice to have a view to the outside, but not a lot changes with field grass from day to day.  It does seem to attract a fair share of butterflies in the summer and field mice love to hide out in there.  Once in a while I see them darting around.  Other than that, not too exciting.

After finishing my work yesterday I went to close the blind when a golden glow caught my eye.  As the sun began to set it illuminated the crest of my little hill.  The sky was turning black and, although it wasn't raining, a beautiful rainbow was forming.  Rather than shut the blind, I raised it higher to get a better look.
I sat a moment and wondered how long this beauty had been developing unbeknownst to me.

 As I knew it would be mere moments before the sunlight was gone completely I decided to sit and gaze out a bit longer.  Out of the corner of my eye I sensed movement and then noticed somebody looking my way.  My first thought was a dog.  


As he made his way down the hill headed back into the woods, his big bushy tail gave away his real identity.


Seems maybe I have underestimated the views on the other side of the blinds.  I'll be paying closer attention from now on.


  1. I guess you'll be keeping those blinds open a bit more from now on. :) Wow what a beautiful rainbow! At first I thought the fox was a coyote.

  2. Oh really! Looks as if there is much more excitement beyond your window.

  3. You looked out at just the right time it seems!! Great pics of that fox too.

  4. I love your view out that window and seeing the rainbow is awesome! And then a FOX! Oh WOW! That is amazing! I wouldn't be able to get any work done from now on....I'd be staring out that window!

  5. That's amazing that you received two beautiful gifts in one day! Keep that shade up! :-)

  6. What a gift to look out of your window to such beauty!


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