Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thursday Chit Chat

Clematis in Bloom

I seem to go in spurts with blogging anymore.
One day I'm all gung ho to start posting more regularly and then the weeks slip by with nothing much happening.  At least nothing that seems worthy of turning into a blog post.  Yet, I miss my connection to this place I have been spending so much time in for the past 15 years or so.  Sometimes I'm shocked to realize how many years have gone by since the blog craze was in it's heyday.
Although most of the regular bloggers from that time seem to have
moved on, I am so glad there are still so many of you out there who continue on.

Azaleas brightening the landscape

The last couple weeks have been spent taking care of annual doctor's appointments.  The routine lab work has been less than routine.  After three unsuccessful attempts at drawing my blood, I was given another appointment for the following week.  At that appointment blood was taken from each hand.  The technician felt it would be adequate.  Apparently it wasn't.  I went back for another try this week and was told they didn't have orders from the doctor and sent me home.  Some type of mix up on the doctor's office end.  They asked me if I could come back tomorrow.  The answer was no.
This simple (?) lab work is taking a toll.  I need a break and, besides, I have more important things to do tomorrow.

This pile of birthday gifts arrived in the mail yesterday.
I've been using all my willpower to not open them until tomorrow.
I did open a few birthday cards this morning.
When you receive cards and gifts ahead of the holiday, do you open them upon arrival or wait for the big day?

Next week I will be back to the lab hoping for a successful visit.
Next up, eye doctor, dentist and mammogram.
I think somewhere along the line it seemed like a good idea to make all these appointments around my birthday.  I'm beginning to re-think that wisdom.



  1. I agree about the blogging - it's definitely taken a downturn. Most bloggers have gone on to Instagram or Substack. I rarely blog anymore either - same reasons as you. I mostly post on IG.

    Your clematis is in bloom already? Mine is just now getting green buds and leaves (northeast IL).

    Did the phlebotomist say why they were having a hard time getting blood from you??...Were you dehydrated or your veins collapsed or ?? Because this should be a simple procedure in a healthy person. The same thing with the doctor's order happened to me at my last blood draw, too: the phlebotomist said the faxed incorrect information. She asked me to come back and I said no, I am here, I haven't eaten in 16 hours and am not in a good mood (lol - hangry!) so I am having this done today. So I had to get on the phone to my dr and talk to the nurse and she had the correct info faxed to the lab within 5 min.

    Happy birthday! If I get cards or gifts in the mail, or something from a friend or family member ahead of time, I open it right away. I don't celebrate just the day of my birthday ~ I tend to celebrate my birthday week! I got this idea from a friend and I now love the tradition.

    1. Melanie, Yep clematis is in full bloom here. They often have trouble finding my veins in my arms and this time she said they were "rolling". I definitely wasn't dehydrated. I drank water for several days before. I was hangry and waterlogged. LOL

  2. I just planted a clematis in my garden today! I love them. Happy birthday a day early! My grandson, Jack's 11th birthday is tomorrow also! I don't blog as much as I used to but I do enjoy it. You can say more than on IG.

  3. Both flowers are gorgeous.
    What a pain about trying to get blood.
    Happy Birthday a day early!! I don't wait for the day, I open presents as the come. :)
    I'll be going to the dentist next week too.

  4. Your flowers are so beautiful!
    I'm sorry about the lab work issues. I would take a day off too!
    Happy Birthday tomorrow!
    I have quite a few blog friends who've quit blogging. Some of them I have no way of contacting and I really wonder how they are doing.

  5. Happy Birthday for tomorrow 🎈🎈🎈. I hope you have a lovely day...with no lab appointments :(
    I must admit I open cards and gifts as soon as they arrive. No willpower.
    Your purple clematis is lovely. I lost several clematis this winter but all the purple ones came through. That may be a clue for me to stick with purple, maybe? It's disheartening when many perennials that are supposedly hardy in ones area don't survive.

  6. Happy Birthday, my friend! I am glad you are still Blogging! And I am sorry about the bloodwork. I had an issues with blood test results not showing in my file. I knew I had gotten them done, but he couldn't find them. I checked with the nurse before I went to have them done again, and she finally found them. They had been dated September 1973!!!

  7. Happy Birthday, Kim! I hope you celebrate to the full. I admire your restraint in not opening your gifts and cards until "THE DAY".
    Yikes about the bloodwork. Not fun at all.
    Your purple clematis is gorgeous. It looks similar to one I have, too, that will not bloom for another few weeks.

  8. Happy birthday, Kim. I keep my cards until the day, which, in my case, was yesterday.
    Your flowers look beautiful - bright and strong.
    You're not willing to give up your blood to just anyone, are you? I hope the blood letting will be successful next time.

  9. Happy Birthday sweet friend. You are one of my original blog friends that are in that short list at the top of my blog. We've seen a lot of changes along the way and I'm so happy to visit you online. I like to wait for my special day to open what I have! Have a fun weekend!

  10. Hi Kim! Happy birthday to you! I hope you have fun and eat yummy cake! I love it that many DO still blog. Isn't it amazing that we've been doing it so long?


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