Wednesday, October 16, 2024

It's Getting a Little Chilly Around Here

This bud on my hibiscus plant is contemplating whether or not it will open fully.  The warm temperatures that it prefers have vanished this week.  Tonight they are saying we might even see a touch of frost.

Because I'm not ready to take the chance of frost jeopardizing that bloom, we've pulled all of the tender potted plants onto the covered patio for the night.  Before I go to bed, I'll drape a sheet over them and hope they will be protected from frost damage.  

The houseplants that spent the summer on the patio are having a sleepover in the garage tonight.  In a week or two they will be moved back into the house.  After tonight the temperatures are supposed to be well above the freezing mark.  To be on the safe side we will be monitoring the weather closely in case something changes and we need to protect them again.

This morning we had all of the windows washed and believe me, they needed it.
After the job was done, I was going around putting things back together and dusting off the window sills.  It was a sweet surprise to see this vivid blue hydrangea in bloom outside the window next to the bathtub.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that old Jack Frost keeps his hands off the hydrangeas.  This blue one barely bloomed all summer.  It now has several blooms and buds eager to do their thing.  I hope they are successful as I'd love to be able to cut one last bouquet.

The mums on the front porch don't mind the chilly temperatures.
I think it will help them last longer than if it was very warm like it often is at this time of year.


Has frost visited your garden yet?


  1. I hope your pretty blue Hydrangea is not nipped by frost tonight. I see your Thanksgiving Cactus and Norfolk pine summered outside. How do they adjust once you bring them indoors?

  2. We've had frost a few times already.
    I need to wash my windows again too. They get dirty again so fast!!

  3. We haven't had frost yet, but it's gotten pretty cold. We have a hydrangea blooming too, hate to see that end! Your blue color is beautiful!


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