Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Sweet Scent of Spring

While waiting for Spring's arrival, I have enjoyed browsing through some of my gardening books.  This morning I pulled this one from the shelf.  

I purchased it awhile ago at a used bookstore.
Published in England in 1992, it is geared toward the youngest gardeners.
Each season offers simple projects sure to spark a lifelong interest in gardening.

Although I no longer qualify for being a young gardener, the sweet projects and delightful artwork of Beatrix Potter make me excited for the gardening season to begin.

Here is a little gardening project that is taking place in my house right now.
Hyacinth In A Jar

Mine came from Aldi.
I found one with two buds on it.
When the first one bloomed it kind of tipped over.
I don't mind as the smell is so reminiscent of springtime.
Every time I catch a whiff the excitement for Spring's true arrival begins.
I plan to keep the vase it's in and start my own next year.

While it's a bit early for Easter decorating, I couldn't resist changing out the display on my island to something more springlike.
Until now, the snowmen have been on display.

After arranging my display I placed the hyacinth near the bunny.
He looks quite pleased with the scent too.



  1. What a delightful gardening book. The illustrations are wonderfull.

  2. That looks like such a fun book!
    I'm happy for Spring too and am ready to start getting some Spring things out in the house. I really like your rabbit.

  3. The book is such a treasure. Lovely start to your spring decor. Your long dough bowl looks a lot like the way I use mine during the spring. I hope to get my spring decor up soon.

  4. I very much like your Spring decor and plan on getting a start on mine. Easter is so late this year that I won't wait for that before getting my bunnies out. Hyacinths smell so heavenly. I usually have to prop mine up with a chop stick💚

  5. That Peter Rabbit book looks so adorable! And I love that spring display on your island. It was 53 degrees today here in northern IL and it felt just glorious. It won't last - it was just a teaser - but that's OK. It was wonderful to crack the windows open and have some fresh air in the house for a change.

  6. I'm longing for spring too and bought a potted hyacinth at Tesco yesterday, hope mines pink like yours.

  7. Sweet book and arrangement. I'm sure there's something to be learned from those pages and the images would certainly inspire. It's gotten so cold here again. Brrr!

  8. Your island display is so pretty, Kim. Potted hyacinths in the house smell heavenly! Gardening with Peter Rabbit sounds like a fun book for any age.

  9. That book is so nice. We love the same things and now I'll be looking for that book! I really should get some pretty Spring things out but we have a camping trip planned so I have all of that to sort through. We take SO much stuff! lol Hugs!


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