Hello again gals.
I'm popping in to tell you something.
This makes 2 posts in 2 days ... for me that may be a record.
Today I took a long drive through the countryside.
At the end of my drive I met with other like-minded ladies to talk about putting our gardens to bed for the winter.
There was only one man in attendance. You can see him above.
He didn't add much input to the meeting as he's made of chicken wire. But, he was probably the best dressed person there and you may have guessed that I really dig his bike. :-).
While we're on the subject of well dressed ... didn't God do an AMAZING job with nature?
Okay, I told you I wanted to tell you something.
I always enjoy hearing from each of you through the comments you so kindly leave for me. There are times, however, when I sit down and read the nice things you have to say and I feel so happy, lucky, blessed and truly thankful to have come to know such a wonderful group of people. It's like receiving a big warm hug and it feels so nice.
This may sound really strange, but somehow I think many of you will understand this. Many years ago I saw Bette Midler on a talk show. She had just lost both of her parents and she made the statement that no matter how old you are once your parents are gone you become an orphan.
I now know what she meant. I accept the fact that my own parents are in a better place now. I accept the fact that they both lived nice long lives and I was blessed to have wonderful parents. I accept the fact that I am a grown woman, but there are times when I would love to feel their unconditional love once again.
In many ways I feel I receive that here ... from you ... and I often feel like my parents smile down on you for showing their daughter such kindness.
So, tonight I just want to make sure to tell you how much your words mean to me and to thank you. As we head into November and pause to remember all that we are thankful for, you all will be at the top of my list.