Friday, March 6, 2020

Snowdrops and Sunshine

Last fall I was on a mission to find and plant snowdrop bulbs.
Having no luck at the local garden centers, I finally found a mail order source.  When it comes to bulb planting in the fall I have good intentions, but often fail to get any planted.  Then when spring rolls around I wonder why I didn't make a better effort.
Snowdrops are something I had never planted.  In fact it's only been in the last few years that I've come to know about them.
After seeing them on some of your blogs, I fell in love with their delicate beauty and knew I needed to add them to my garden.
I'm so happy to report that this was one mission that was accomplished.
Currently they are blooming alongside some grape hyacinths in the little courtyard across from the kitchen.

Behind them are the tulips getting ready for their moment of glory.
I love this time of year when the earth is awakening from it's winter dormancy and new life is to be discovered on a daily basis.

 The lengthening daylight hours are also bringing a bit of new life to the lemon tree.  I am encouraged by this new growth after all of the TLC I have been giving it over the fall and winter.

Even more encouraging is this little bud that has formed.
Actually there are two.  I check on them every day to make sure they haven't fallen off or shriveled up.  So far so good.  Now if I can keep things going until next month when the tree can be moved back outside I might even see a little lemon crop.

After an extra rainy winter we are enjoying a sunny day today.
This little birdie on my neighbor's rooftop seems to be basking in the sun's warming rays.
Spring is on it's way.



  1. Snowdrops and sunshine...two of my favourite things. Isn't it exciting to know that it's just 2 weeks until Spring Equinox?

  2. Now I have seen snowdrops on other gals’ blogs, but have never thought to plant any of my own. I am terrible about doing fall planting...I’m always speculating and fretting over which day is best. There really is a lot of leeway, I am sure. Your spring garden is going to be such a cheery one...daffodils? It looks as though you are going to have a normal, on-time spring.

    1. I do have a little clump of daffodils in another part of the yard. Will try to sneak them into a post as they should be blooming soon.

  3. I'm the same way with the bulbs as you.
    So nice to see those signs of spring coming along. I'm looking at some more snow today.

  4. Yay for spring but it's snowing like crazy here. Oh well. Maybe it will go away tomorrow. Snowdrops are so pretty and I'm so glad you planted some!


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