Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Spring Shed

Well, here it is Saturday evening and I'm sitting out on the patio enjoying the sights and sounds of springtime.  The dogwood trees popped into bloom this week and so did the hyacinths and mid-season daffodils.  The bluebirds are flitting back and forth to the nesting box setting up housekeeping.  I love the changing seasons, but there is something about spring that I especially love.  I think it's the signs of new life everywhere you look.  

At this time of year I'm torn between wanting to be outside and wanting to be inside decluttering every inch of my house.  This year the decluttering seems to be winning the race.
Last week it was the kitchen cupboards, drawers and cookbook collection.
Yesterday, the costume jewelry collection... mine and my mom's.
Today hours were spent on my closet.  I took every single piece of clothing out and tried them on.  Trust me, this isn't for the faint of heart... especially after a winter of not enough activity.  I think I could easily say that half or more of my wardrobe is on it's way to the thrift shop.  Ugh!!  To be honest I'd like to maintain a more pared down wardrobe.  Actually I'd like my whole house to be more pared down so I am on a mission to achieve that little by little.  
Why am I telling you this?
To explain why I've been scare in blogland of late.
If I spend too much time on the internet, the decluttering suffers and I've got to strike while the iron is hot where decluttering is concerned.  
Oh, and one more thing...
after trying on all of those clothes today I know I have to get moving.  Almost everything was too tight.  I really want to lose at least five pounds.  It's either that or go up a size and I refuse to do that.  I know that for the most part I eat a healthy diet and keep pretty close tabs on my fat intake.  But, if I'm honest with myself I know that my exercise is hit or miss.  Mostly miss lately.  I find too often I am sitting at the computer for much longer periods of time than I realize.  Not good for the waistline or my back issue either.
So, along with shedding clutter I'm hoping to shed a few pounds.  
I'd love some input on how all of you manage the exercise and the computer time.  If you'd care to share. I'd be ever so grateful.

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.


  1. Wow! The dogwoods are blooming...this seems early but welcome, I know! It's so nice to see some flowers and pretty green grass. I need to get back to decluttering and working in my closet, too but I would rather be on the go. So I think I'll wait until a rainy day...but then we don't get many of those. So I'll just enjoy an active lifestyle and try to keep things under control. The mood will hit me and I'll work on my house then. You've done great by working on specific areas. I make such a mess when I decide to decorate or declutter. Happy weekend my friend! Hugs!

  2. The flowers are gorgeous, missed that since we live in the desert. I don't even want to talk about clothes and them fitting or not. Twice in 3 years I went up a size now these are tight, the weight is coming off, I am not buying more! I need to print that out and wear it around my neck.

    As for decluttering, I play a game, I call it 3 a day, what ever room I am in I check quickly and find three things that are leaving...I have 2 boxes in a spare room, charity, come back and think about box. After a month, the hard decisions are made and the stuff leaves the house. I immediately put the boxes in the car so that I don't forget and so that I don't try to go back and revisit the items. Good luck, you will win on clutter.

  3. Well, since my ankle injury, I can't go for walks anymore, which was my form of exercise. I still do my yoga stretching, and have for 17 years, but that doesn't help the waistline much. I need to lose weight too. I am decluttering because I'm moving in just over a week.

  4. Oh I have nothing to share on any of these issues. I am no expert. I look forward to reading what others might have to say. Lovely to see your daffodils so cheery and your lawn so green.

  5. Your dogwoods are amazing! We have some land a couple of hours from here and there are dogwood trees. My husband is dying to get there to see the flowers...there are also Redbuds and they are so pretty together.

    I totally understand about spending too much time on the computer. I've been going to exercise three times per week since Christmas but I need to eat a little less and stay off the computer so much. It's hard though!! There are too many great blogs. :)

  6. This is the second dogwood post in a row I've enjoyed. Such lovely blossoms. We're still waiting for them to bloom here, but soon....
    I'm so impressed that you tried on everything in your closet. I imagine it took quite awhile. I just switched out some of my more wintry things for spring/summer items this past week. I'd love to reorganize my closet and minimize my wardrobe, too. I get into a rut with what I wear.
    Exercise is a challenge for me, too. I feel better and sleep better when I go for a long walk and do some stretching, but somehow, taking the time to do these things is low on my priority list, as if I'm wasting time. I'm learning to look at exercise as an investment in my future.

  7. My suggestion or hint about exercising is to do it the first thing in the morning before you do anything else and make it a priority. Once it is out of the way you don't have to think about it and you feel good for the rest of the day.

    Your spring looks beautiful. It is slowly coming here too. I can see a few buds on the daffodils now. Though it was only 22 degrees this morning, this afternoon it is in the 60's.

  8. That is why I have been missing in blog land too. I am de-cluttering my home too. It is a huge job and one undertaken with great reluctance on my part. The part of trying on everything and figuring out where it all goes is a bit overwhelming. And yes, the exercising program is full force. Somehow, I feel like I am coming out of my Winter hibernation:), even though today I did wear my winter coat.

  9. Baby steps, right? Think of all the space we'll have for real stuff, like our peeps!

  10. Kim,
    Decluttering is so satisfying! Simplifying reduces stress and distractions. It helps me to be more aware of life itself.

  11. Kim, I too, am trying to de-clutter, and also making the effort to have balance in my life. I don't know how I got so out of balance (well, actually, I do), but I am in immense need to re-establish it.

    Blessings for finding balance in your life,

  12. I always procrastinate when it comes to decluttering, though I don't know since I always feel so much better after it's done.

  13. I need to declutter. We are on Spring Break and I had grand plans but only managed to take everything down from kitchen cupboards to scrub. I didn't even get to the inside of the cupboards. Oh well! I don't want my whole Spring Break to be about cleaning. I also need to switch our summer and winter clothes as it is definitely summer temps here now. We go back to school on Monday so I still have a little time to get some things done. My favorite form of exercise is walking, so if I can do that every day, or most days, then I am good. An hour is usually what I aim for but with having more free time, I've been going even longer. So nice! I wish Spring Break could last forever. A year and a half ago I was starting to gain weight but when I gave up dairy, I actually lost weight without even trying and now it is so easy to manage. I do eat healthy 99% of the time. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  14. It sounds like you are well under way to having everything re-newed and refreshed for spring. I need to get going with that!

    I don't think I'm the one to give advice regarding how to balance computer time and exercise. They seem to be at opposite ends of the when I concentrate on one, the other suffers. I love spending time outside that spring has arrived.

  15. Wishing you a Happy Easter! Your grounds must look lovelier with each passing day. I can picture the many colors and flowers everywhere.


Your comments are welcome and appreciated.
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