Friday, September 11, 2020

Outside Morning Light

Recently I've been working on methods to help with getting a good night's sleep.  While listening to a doctor speak on ways to strengthen the immune system, quality sleep was naturally mentioned.  I don't know about you, but for me that is often easier said than done.  One of the things she recommended was to get outside morning light daily.  She explained it as going outside with no glass between your eyes and the natural outdoor light (ie:  windows, sunglasses or glasses).  Ideally this should be done for 30 minutes sometime before 11:00 a.m.  Apparently this signals the brain to turn off the melatonin for 14 hours.  Melatonin is naturally released by the brain to help us sleep.  She said that it wasn't an instant fix, but with time it would help with the natural circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle).  

This sounded very logical and easy enough to do.
For the past two weeks it has become my morning routine.
Get dressed, make a cup of coffee and slip out onto the patio.

Currently the little hummingbirds are keeping me entertained.

Some days I watch larger birds glide through the skies.
This day I think they were turkey vultures.
This morning a hawk visited briefly.

September also brings another type of visitor.  Namely spiders and lots of them.  I haven't taken pictures of them as I find them to be creepy.  There is one I see every morning right in the middle of a huge web.  I keep an eye on him to make sure he stays on that web while I am outside.  One day I watched in fascination as he reeled in the entire web as he made his way up to the roof and disappeared.  Fascinating (from a distance :).
The bug in the photo above was hanging out on the patio this morning.  He is either resting in peace or just resting.  Either way he didn't move for the entire 30 minutes I was out there.  Hence the reason I got brave enough to get close enough for a photo.  I am a bit fascinated by the "camo" he is sporting and look at those huge eyes!!

The view looking toward my neighbor's yard.
Just past the last of the crepe myrtle blooms her dogwood tree is beginning to show some fall color.  A perfect illustration of summer giving way to fall.

Since beginning this practice my sleep does seem to be improving.
I plan to make it my permanent routine.
I'm usually out there between 7:30 and 8:00.  A peaceful time of day.
Breathing in the fresh air, enjoying the occasional breeze and getting up close with nature are all nice ways to begin the day.  


On another note:  With my return to blogging I have pretty much figured out the new Blogger changes.  The only thing that I can't figure out is why my text size seems to randomly change on it's own.  Has anybody else had that issue?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I haven't started using the new blogger! I dread it! lol And sleep is so important. I've not had problems over the years...knock on wood...but I think routines really help. I read for an hour or more before going to bed. And I always go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. And I don't take naps. So I'm really sleepy after reading and usually fall right to sleep. But I know I am blessed to be able to sleep good. So many people have problems with this. Not sure I'm the one to comment...but it's nice to share when something works well I guess. Hugs!

  2. Yes, my problems with font sizes changing are similar Kim. Sometimes I can get it to change after a lot of fiddling about, other times no way will it do what I want. Other than that I guess most changes I can now manage in the NEW Blogger format, however I still think most things were easier and faster in the old one. All this has been done to accommodate the mobile phone I'm certain - the biggest (though small) thing to destroy the good life we once enjoyed!!!

    Interesting about 'outside morning light' - I'm trying to get more of that even though I usually have few problems sleeping.

    Enjoy the weekend dear - getting a wee bit cooler here - heavy rain showers today which the garden really needs, so no complaints. Lovely hummers, I've only seen one here this summer, but my daughter has a lot in her garden and I usually visit Sunday afternoons to watch them.

    Stay well - be safe.
    Hugs, Mary -

  3. Getting some outside morning light every day sounds like a great way to start the day and hopefully help with sleep issues. From time to time I have had trouble sleeping but thankfully not too often.
    I dreaded using the new blogger and had to have help at first but now I seem to manage okay.
    That is a very interesting bug. After I read about his "camo" I looked more closely and sure enough!

  4. Mornings are my favorite time of day and as you know I spend every one outside walking. Maybe that is why I sleep good. :)
    I haven't had that trouble but did have some trouble with picture sizes at first but have figured it out.
    The new blogger works well for me.

  5. right now, the hotttest and most humid nights along the coast, I have difficulties sleeping more than 6 hrs. I feel I need more. Sleep routine will get better when our summer is over. Morning air & walking does help, I find. And, seriously views like that would certainly make a difference. (that insect is a cicada).

    As for blogger, I have always done my own coding, and with this new interface...well, it has been a pain all the way for me.

  6. I've always had to set my text font and size to what I want, even on the old Blogger. It never "set". That's an interesting idea about morning light. Good sleep is a gift, I think, and I'm grateful that I usually sleep well, because it's uncomfortable when I can't.


  7. Copying and pasting...such a forgetful head I have!

    Thank you for mentioning the reset of melatonin. Doubtful I'll try it because I can't sit still that long without reading or something...I need my glasses. I did give up taking vitamin D at night when I learned that it disturbs sleep.

    You have a beautiful garden. Just dream of eagles, as I do, when you see those turkey vultures. 🙂

  8. Hi Kim! I haven't noticed that issue. I'll watch for it. I'm glad you are figuring out your sleep. I think I'll start doing that, too (spending 30 minutes outside in the morning!)


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