Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thankful Thoughts ~ Day 3

Here in North Carolina we  plant our pansies in the fall.
They look so nice with all of the other fall foliage.
They hang in there throughout the winter, although they may not look very pretty.
In February I start feeding them a watered down liquid plant food.
With a bit of deadheading and snipping off leaves that were battered by the winter weather, they respond quickly with new growth.  Then when the air begins to warm they put on a spectacular show of color.  By Easter they are in their glory once again and look equally at home amongst the spring blooming foliage as they did in the fall.
The container above was planted last weekend.
A little later than I usually plant them.
The thoughts of staring at a big container full of dirt all winter was not appealing, but I was afraid I had waited too long and the selection would be scant.
Not to worry, a quick stop at the local Walmart garnered every plant in the container.  Best of all they were all on clearance.  Woot!
Sometimes it pays to procrastinate ;D.

So, for today, I am not only thankful for pansies, I am especially thankful for deeply discounted pansies.


  1. Love the colors of those pansies. Such sweet flowers!

  2. It has always amused me to think of you gals down there planting your pansies since they overwinter so well. They'd never make it in my corner, but I do try to get them to plant first in the spring. Such a colorful, cheery flower with their sweet faces. Glad that you found them for a bargain, too.

  3. Your pot of flowers is beautiful.

  4. I really like how you did that pot up with the ornamental cabbage with the Pansies. I also just got Pansies and potted them up but my pots are smaller and I didn't even think to put in any other plants even if I would have had the room. Oh well, there's always next year, right?

  5. Oh my, I'd forgotten about getting pansies with all the mess and damage from the recent hurricane in our neighborhood - not to mention being away for so many weeks! I must get some - also need to plant my tulip bulbs which are awaiting TLC in the putting shed! Problem here is no rain now for the last couple of weeks and none expected for another week - so dry everywhere!
    Love the ornamental cabbages Kim.

  6. Lovely. Great tips too. I need to get something put out. But I still have begonias growing!
    Crazy! I'd love for you to come over and link your lovely Fall planting at the Fabulous Fall Party. Come over and link up!
    Happy Fall!


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